How Babywearing Helps Me Bond with My Big Kids Too

Even before I got pregnant, I knew I was going to be a babywearing momma. It’s always appealed to me as being the most natural (and frankly easiest) way for a parent to get anything...

Sleep: Can't Live Without It... But Sometimes You Have To

Oh, sleep. The always sought-after prize of adulthood. Somewhere along the line we stop trying to avoid sleep and realize it's pretty much the best thing ever. For parents, there just never seems to be...

How To Get More Mama Solo Time and Why It Really Does Matter

On my recent trip to visit family, I traveled with my 14-month-old daughter and my partner was unable to come with us. We visited family and friends in two states, enjoyed eight different planes and...

Motherhood As a World View, Sort Of

There's a Buddhist ideology that I've seen present in a few of the contemplative traditions I've practiced. That is that all beings have at one time or other been my mother. This of course assumes...

Tips to Thriving In New Mamaland

We recently celebrated our daughter's first birthday. Approaching the big anniversary of her turn around the sun, I was all over Pinterest. I prepped and prepped and prepped for a big party, mobilized family and...

3 Nourishing Postpartum Meals

When I gave birth to my daughter, I was elated. I was relieved. I was over-the-moon in awe. I was dizzy with gratitude. I was to-the-bone tired. I was a little off-kilter with the shifting...

What the fetal position does for your baby?

Many of us curl up into a ball when we may be at our wit's end; there's something so soothing and comforting about it. Countless artists have sculpted and painted adults in the self-soothing fetal...

How To Explain Co-Sleeping to Family and Friends & Keep the Peace

As my partner and I prepare for the arrival of our first child, it’s becoming more and more apparent that our preparation requires a little preparation of others, namely our families. While there are a...

Co-sleeping: Sleeping Like a Baby with Your Baby

I’m laying here in bed with a six-year-old snoring in my ear on one side, a six-month-old nursing on the other side, and the other six-year-old next to the baby. My husband is sleeping on...