Erin Kendal: Inspiration Lives Everywhere

Meet Erin, the brilliant designer behind our new Spring/Summer collection

Creative Parenting Solutions Using What We Already Have

It seems like more and more families are looking to keep it simple when it comes to what they register for or buy themselves to use with their families. It was the same for my...

10 Good Reasons to Breastfeed Past One Year

1. "Nursing makes the job of mothering easier, not harder." Norma Jean Bumgarner This has got to be one of my favorite reasons. Of course, it's so good for the child but also what mom...

The Importance of Child Play Time

The word “play” sounds like all fun and games, and of course it is in part, but scientific research also shows how important play and free time really is for all people. Children in particular...

Is There a Right Time For Baby no. 2?

As my daughter heads towards 19 months, my fertility in full swing, my age continuing to rise, I am thinking a lot about when to have our next child. In all honesty, I also feel...

Organizations We Support

If you want to know about Boba as a company, here’s a little of what we’re working on, with whom we work, and which organizations/ideas we support— First clinical Infant Biomechanics and Babywearing study: Funding...

My visit to St. Anne's

As the Babywearing Educator for Boba, I get to spend a lot of quality time with Colorado moms. From teaching Babywearing 101 in the local hospitals to working with non=profits in the Boulder/Denver area -...

The Story of Mission

Limited Edition Boba 4G - Mission Designed by Gabby Caperon Mission was named and photographed by our Assistant Creative Director and Babywearing Educator, Alyson de Recat. I grew up in southern California, just a few...

My Vision of Motherhood Always Included Adoption

When naming our Zella Carrier, we were inspired by the story of "Zella Zack and Zodiac" which is a heartwarming story about a mama zebra who adopts a baby ostrich, creating an unlikely family. After...